Friday, October 10, 2014

Barriers of Creativity #7: "Avoid Ambiguity"

Artistic ambiguous illusion design
Creativity, like common sense, is supposed to be common. Creativity is natural and spontaneous. Yet it is not exhibited as frequently as it should. Experts believe that there are several reasons for this. These reasons are called ‘Barriers to Creativity’. ‘Barriers’ are the thing that stop us from thinking creatively and the reason that make us not as creative as we should be.

Barrier #7: “Avoid Ambiguity”
Most of us do not like ambiguous (unclear or lack of clarity) situations. They are confusing and can cause communication problems. As a result we learn to avoid ambiguity (Personally, I am like that). This is a good rule to get your message clearly across. There are instances however, when ambiguity can be a powerful stimulus to imagination.
When in the creative process, a little ambiguity can provoke us into asking questions that will lead us to new ideas. We have to learn to look at things ambiguously. We ask questions such as “What does this mean?” and “How else can this be interpreted?” For example, the question, what is half of 8? The answer is of course 4. But if we assume the question is ambiguous, we will look for other answers such as 3 (if you slice vertically) or 0 (if you slice horizontally) depending on how we define “half.”
To be more creative we have to look for ambiguity in the world around us. I see a brick as a hammer and a ballpoint pen as a hole puncher when I need these things and there are none around.

Think ambiguously.

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