“Founded in 2004, Facebook’s mission is to make the world more open
and connected.
People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family,
to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express
what matters to them”
(Facebook’s Mission Statement since
Currently I’m reading Don
Tapscott’s Grown Up Digital (a great
book indeed!) and he told a story about Facebook
founder, Mark Zuckerberg. In January 2004, Zuckerberg had a real-life version
of a common nightmare. He was facing his first round of exams at Harvard
University and he hadn’t studied or read anything the professor has assigned
for a first-year art history course called Rome of Augustus. Zuckerberg hadn’t
even gone to class during the term. He was too busy creating a cool computer
program called Facebook that would
help students get to know one another and share information. Now, a few days
before the exam, Zuckerberg was, in his words, “just completely screwed.”
But he had an idea,
straight out of twenty-first century computer science. He created a Web site
and put pictures from the course on it, with a little discussion beside each
picture. Maybe the other students could help out by filling in the blanks. Within
24 hours, Zuckerberg’s classmates helped out alright, with notes so cogent that
everyone, Zuckerberg included, passed the test with flying colours. And according to Zuckerberg, the professor
didn’t see it as cheating. Instead, he was “really
pleased” to see the students collaborate in such a creative fashion.
After acing his art
history test, Zuckerberg returned to his school project, Facebook, which has since become one of the most popular social networking
sites in the world; on it, friends and acquaintances keep up with each other’s
news. Zuckerberg know how to use social network and the Internet alright. He
know how and why is it for, namely, to use it to connect and share information,
to find and collaborate on projects or ideas of mutual interest. Do you know
how to use social network and the Internet for good cause? Learn from Zuck. These
are his and his team original ideas.
God, Give Us
Today Our Daily Idea(s).